Kelvin Yu
Exploring ideas. Fellow at the Foundation for American Innovation.
I've been an investor at IQT, AI policy advisor in Congress, 2x founding engineer, and Princeton dropout.
Outside my immediate work, I enjoy competitive athletics, ancient Chinese dramas, and organizing reading groups. Current topics of interest include: 3D reconstruction, historicity of major religions, and solutions to the Böckenförde dilemma. Reach out if you'd like to trade notes: \".\".join([\"moc\",\"\"])[::-1]
Projects & Writing
- Rebuilding America: The Techno-Industrial Policy Playbook
- Atomic Transactions: Why Some Deeptech Categories Fail More Than Others
- Technological Progress in Chinese Political Culture (published in American Affairs)
- Anti-Agentic Theories of History: The False Seduction of Cyclicality
- Notes from the Underground Founder: Silicon Valley Superfluousness
- Unleash the Techno-Industrial State (published in American Compass)
- Levers for Progress: How States Can Advance Science and Technology